Thursday, February 05, 2009



From Greg Gerber of RVINews

HEMPSTEAD COUNTY, Ark. -- Some FEMA mobile homes near the Hope, Ark., airport gates have “scrap” painted in red on them, and that has some passing motorists—who are also taxpayers—seeing red.

“I counted 28 mobile homes lined up near the entrance. Trucks and escort vehicles were hauling them out. I stopped and the guard told me to leave,” said Pam Shelton after recently driving by the airport and seeing the scrap trailers. “The mobile homes looked like they were being wasted. It looked like hundreds and thousands of dollars being wasted. They looked like perfectly good mobile homes,” Armstrong said.

A portion of FEMA trailers initially intended for those who lost their homes in natural disasters are now marked for scrap. Approximately 6,300 mobile homes and 11,900 travel trailers are sitting on the property. The future is unknown for many of the units.

SOURCE: Texarkana Gazette

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